DAV College Chandigarh Admission 2024 Online Form at student.davchd.ac.in - University Admissions| College Merit List 2025| Counseling Date Forms Online

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DAV College Chandigarh Admission 2024 Online Form at student.davchd.ac.in

Download Application Form DAV Chandigarh College For BA, BSC, BBA, BCA, B.c om, MBA, M.Com, MBE, Ph.D, MA, M.Sc Course. Apply Online DAV College Chd. Admission Registration Link on www.davchd.ac.in or at https://admission.davchd.ac.in/.

DAV College Chandigarh Admissions 2024

View DAV College Sector 10 Chandigarh Admission Notice 2024 Online. This year DAV College, Chandigarh Admissions 2023 Online is not out yet. As per record of last year DAV College Chandigarh BA/ B.Com/ BSC/ B.Ed online admission officially is expect to posted on Last week of June at 04.00 am onward. Interested and eligible students have to submit application form at student.davchd.ac.in for admissions in Bachelor degree, Post-Graduate degree & diploma courses (BA/ BSC/ BBA/ BCA/ B.com/ MBA/ M.Com/MBE/ Ph.D/ MA/ M.Sc) 1/2/3 year for admission session 2022. The official order of admissions are on merit basis prepare on cut off marks followed by counseling schedule and broadcast advertisement at provided at davchd.com. All Interested & eligible students have to submit online admission form given in prospectus on or before online with hard copy. The all required news of DAV College Chandigarh Admission 2023 like application form, final merit list, cut off marks, counseling dates, prospectus, fees etc courses are mentioned below........................................

Main Contents Cover In DAV College Chd. Admission

College Name

DAV College Chandigarh




UG/ PG Admissions


Offline/ Online


Available Shortly..

Alerts: Guys your wait is over! As expected dates for DAV College Chandigarh UG/ PG Courses Admission Started from __ 2023. Check UGC report on Academic Calendar released. The admission process carried out strictly on merit.

The Merit list of the eligible candidates for B.A. B.Ed. 1st Sem is going to be displayed on __2024. The list will include the applications of all the students received till __2024.

Overview of DAV College Chandigarh Admissions 2024

Name of Body
DAV College Chandigarh
Regular/ Correspondence
Available Now..

List of Courses Offered By DAV College Chandigarh 

Sr. No.

Course Streams


Under Graduate


Post Graduate


Master Degree



Graduate Courses

  • Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
  • Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc in Medical, Non-Medical and Computer Science)
  • Bachelor of Science Honours (B.Sc Hons. in Bioinformatics & Biotechnology)

Post Graduate Courses

  • Master of Arts (M.A in English, Psychology, Public Administration & Sociology)
  • Master of Science (M.Sc in IT, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Chemistry, Maths, Physics & Zoology)
  • Master of Commerce (M.Com)
  • Masters in Business Economics (MBE)

Post Graduate Diplomas

  • PG Diploma in Mass Communication
  • PG Diploma in Computer Application
  • PG Diploma in Marketing Management 
  • PG Diploma in Personal Management & Labour Welfare

DAV College Chandigarh Admissions 2023 - Important Points Kept In Mind

Important Instructions for Online Admissions
1. Read the instructions and procedure thoroughly before filling the admission form for any course.

2. For the detailed admission schedule, applicant should refer to the website of the respective college where he/she has been allotted the seat online.

3. 1st counselling will be online. College wise merit list of allotted applicant will be displayed on the website www.dhe.chd.gov.in. Applicants are required to be present on the day of admission in allotted college and also bring a ‘Hard Copy’ of the admission form (which they can download from website) along with the original documents and self-attested photocopies thereof.

4. It is compulsory for the applicant to attend and deposit fee after taking admission in the 1st counselling in the respective allotted college.

5. Applicants who do not report on the day of 1st counselling will get a chance of admission in 2nd counselling only if they give their willingness online on _______ (___day).

6. Applicants admitted in the 1st counselling can give their willingness on _____for 2nd counselling if they wish to change the college they are admitted to. Only upward mobility of preference will be allowed in the change of college. Change of order of preference of college (after the submission of form) is not allowed in any of the counselling.

7. The merit list for the 2nd counselling will be displayed on _________.

8. 2nd counselling will also be online. College wise merit list of allotted candidates will be displayed on the website www.dhe.chd.gov.in subject to availability of seats after 1st counselling. Candidates are required to be present on the day of admission in allotted college and also bring a ‘Hard Copy’ of the admission form (which they can download from website) along with the original documents and self-attested photocopies thereof.

9. 3rd counselling will be centralized counselling. Only college wise vacant seats will be notified on the website www.dhe.chd.gov.in and then the applicant should report for a specific course as per schedule and venue as mentioned in the admission schedule for 3rd counselling.

10. The 3rd round of counselling will be the last round of Online/Centralized counselling.

11. For Government Colleges: All the applicants seeking admission in B.A./M.A./M.Sc./P.G. Diploma courses also have to fill the admission form ONLINE at www.dhe.chd.gov.in For further admission procedure and schedule the applicant will refer to the website of the respective college.

12. For Privately Managed Aided Colleges: All the applicants seeking admission in B.A./ M.A./ M.Sc./ P.G. Diploma courses DO NOT have to fill the admission form at www.dhe.chd.gov.in. They will refer to the website of the respective college for instructions regarding filling of form.

Record of Useful Links

Check DAV College Chandigarh Admission All Circulars
Check DAV College Chandigarh Merit List All Courses
Get DAV College Chandigarh Counseling All Courses
Visit Official Site
About DAV College Chandigarh

It was founded in 1958, when the city of Chandigarh was in its infancy. The college has grown with the city, becoming an integral part of the region's socio-cultural milieu. The college belongs to the family of the famous D.A.V. institutions, founded by Mahatma Hans Raj, and inspired by the great visionary-Swami Dayanand Saraswati-the doyen of the Arya Samaj, who believed that, "True education consists in promoting knowledge, civilized manners, virtuous character, self-control and other moral qualities and in dispelling ignorance". He had always felt that the scientific knowledge of the west needs to be absorbed in the cultural milieu of India. The DAV movement, which started in 1886, gives a practical shape to the ideals of Swami Dayanand's educational philosophy which aims to develop a modern scientific approach among the students, coupled with an understanding of their roots in the ancient Vedic Culture. The D.A.V College, Chandigarh is trying to bring about this synthesis by imparting to the students the best of new world humanistic, scientific and technical knowledge with the sense of history of their rich cultural heritage-the Anglo and Vedic values. We work to achieve these broad objectives.
We wish Best of Luck to All. Still have any query, please give comments, we try to solve.

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